Linda and Sam Kramer, Partners in Support of Bird Study

Photo of Linda and Sam Kramer Linda and Sam Kramer learned of Cornell and the Lab of Ornithology through Linda’s father, Eugene Belden (Cornell ’33). Linda was already an avid and knowledgeable birder when she and Sam first visited Sapsucker Woods a few years ago. They were particularly impressed by the knowledge, passion, and expertise of Lab staff and graduate students. Their visit led to increased levels of involvement with the Lab, generous student support, and a strong friendship.

Linda had no direct heirs and thoughtfully left her estate to the Lab to create graduate fellowships to benefit students in perpetuity. Sam has two children but has also decided to leave part of his estate to the Lab, also to fund graduate fellowships. Together, they will create several Linda and Samuel Kramer Graduate Student Fellowships.

Linda died in 2011, leaving a wonderful legacy to benefit Cornell students in memory of Linda’s father and in honor of her and Sam’s mutual love of birds.


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